
"Why Some Veterans Hate Airsoft"


Do you know why some veterans hate airsoft? We're sure you know for obvious reasons. The Havok Journal just made the it even easier to understand why... "Now, let me be first to say that most veterans are incredibly understanding and appreciative of our youth honing some tactical skills. We are appreciative of their desires to one day fill the shoes of our own brothers-in-arms, our heroes, etc. We are also incredibly understanding and more than likely, at one time in our lives, have even played a similar war simulation exercise.  We did things with much more understanding, respect, and praise toward the real warrior class.

But there is a distinct difference between re-enacting and fraudulent representation.  There's a line between imagination and imitation; between pretending and posing; Veterans know well where this line falls; many Airsofters apparently do not. More importantly, neither does the American public, who see Airsofters dressed in their convincing-looking regalia and assume that they are legit members of the military."

Read more the rest at The Havok Journal.

One of the best ways is to honour veterans is to help them, just like what Warfighter Airsoft and other airsoft groups are doing, especially for veterans with PTSD.

Hat tip to Ted Colgrove for the Havok Journal Link. The photo used above are 1/6th US Navy Team SEAL 6 figures (owner of the photo unknown, but credits to him/her).

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