
“Airsoft Versus Reality 6” Is Epic But Does Away With The Comedy

Gungho Cowboy

With all this excitement and anxiety surrounding UK’s EU Referendum, we almost forgot that we didn’t have a feature story ready for today.  Good thing that I have been watching the latest installment in the “Airsoft Versus Reality” series as produced by BirnyX/Johny Deadline Picture Production.

BirnyX came bright into the radar screens of many airsoft players when they released “Airsoft Versus Reality” almost 3 years ago.  The video shows the contrast between playing airsoft and the reality of war. Whilst war is no joke, “Airsoft Versus Reality” was such a hilarious production that it has already garnered over a million views since it was posted online. The next videos in the series such as 2 and 3 were almost at the same level as the original one though the humour started to falter in the videos after these.

So they decided to take a different track for “Airsoft versus Reality 6” by contrasting a World War II reenactment and an actual airsoft game:

Airsoft vs Reality 6 is our new type of “airsoft versus" video, where we compare particular funny situations in airsoft with reality. But this time, we shot historical WWII event - Liberation of Žilina city in Slovakia; mixed with classical airsoft battle in marvelous site with CQB and open air details. It results in the not too funny, but epic short film with airsoft and WWII elements.

Nothing funny in the video this time though watching both footages show a better contrast between airsoft and reality which airsoft players will need to take seriously. When BirnyX stripped the humour from this video, the reality and brutality of war come out clearly that should strike any airsoft player and be somber about it.

Watch it for yourself to find out if you agree:

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