
Sweden Issues “Be Prepared For War Or Crisis” Public Information Pamphlet

Gungho Cowboy

Sweden is taking steps to prepare its people for conflict or crisis and it is sending out pamphlets entitled “Om krisen eller kriget kommer” (If crisis or war comes) to all 4.8 million homes.  Apart from being steeled for war, the information also comes with how to deal with terrorist attacks, cyber attacks, and the spreading of “fake news.”

Whilst Sweden is involved in multinational operations such as those sanctioned by the UN, the last time that it was involved in a war was in 1814, during Fälttåget mot Norge that resulted in the union of Sweden and Norway (Convention of Moss). It is a neutral country though is cooperates with NATO and most of its equipment are compatible with NATO standards.

The last time it issued it issued such material was in 1961 during the Cold War.

The latest one is issued by the Swedish Civil Contingencies Agency (MSB), it starts with this preface:

This brochure is being sent to all households in Sweden at the behest of the Swedish Government. The Swedish Civil Contingencies Agency (MSB) is responsible for its content. The purpose of the brochure is to help us become better prepared for everything from serious accidents, extreme weather and IT attacks, to military conflicts.

Many people may feel a sense of anxiety when faced with an uncertain world. Although Sweden is safer than many other countries, there are still threats to our security and independence. Peace, freedom and democracy are values that we must protect and reinforce on a daily basis.

Public authorities, county councils and regions, municipalities, companies and organisations are responsible for ensuring that society functions. However, everyone who lives in Sweden shares a collective responsibility for our country's security and safety. When we are under threat, our willingness to help each other is one of our most important assets.

If you are prepared, you are contributing to improving the ability of the country as a whole to cope with a major strain.


As to why the Swedish government issued this 20-page pamphlet, MSB Director General tells Sveriges Radio the reasons why, “The first is that the government has commissioned us to conduct an information campaign. The second is that society is more vulnerable to digitization, globalization and climate change. So we need to prepare ourselves as individuals and as residents in this country. The third is that there is a thirst for information, we have listened to many focus groups and found that there is an information deficit on solid advice and we try to provide it in this brochure.”

Sweden, other Scandinavian countries and Baltic States have been on their toes with an aggressive Russia. This started when Russia annexed Crimea in 2014 and they have protested violations of their air space. Sweden has ramped up defense spending and is active involved in joint exercises with allies and NATO and there is debate if the country will join NATO. The country recently announced that they have plans with Denmark to counter cyber attacks and propaganda from Russia.

Sweden ended conscription in 2010 but in March 2017 the government reintroduced it and conscripts will serve for a total of 12 months that began last 1 January 2018 and it is gender neutral. During the Cold War, 85% of men were conscripted.

If any country tries to invade or attack Sweden, it will encounter a very hostile population that it will just be too costly, as the pamphlet says, "If Sweden is attacked by another country, we will never give up. All information to the effect that resistance is to cease is fake."


Top photo: Swedish Soldier in Afghanistan (Photo by: Brindefalk via Wikimedia)

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