Booligan: ASG CZ P-09 FDE Version Overview


The 2-Tone/FDE version of the ASG CZ P-09 airsoft pistol is getting into the hands of more reviewers, with Booligan Airsoft being one early ones. Here is his overview of the pistol... "I previously reviewed the original black version of the ASG CZ P-09, but with the launch of the FDE version with the threaded barrel, I knew I had to try it out. Let's take a look at it and see how it runs!"

KJW CZ-P09 Duty Series at UN Company


The news for the week from UN Company is about the KJ Works CZ-P09 Blowback Series which is now available at their online store right now. Fully licensed from Action Sport Games (ASG), you can select power source of either Gas or CO2 and colours (Black or Two-Tone Black/Tan). Price range is US$80 to US$115.00 depending on what model you fancy.

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