Hyperdouraku At The Tokyo Toy Show 2015


Hyperdouraku was at the International Tokyo Toy Show 2015 to visit the Tokyo Marui booth and check the product that would be probably be ignored by the adult airsoft players. This is about the "Train Gun" that is actually marketed to kids and is a very safe to use airsoft gun-cum-toy train. It does not use plastic BBs but a more custom foam pellets that when fired, the human target won't experience any pain or even notice he/she gets hit.

Marui At International Tokyo Toy Show 2015


Next up in the events calendar of Tokyo Marui, after their 50th Anniversary Celebrations, is the International Tokyo Toy Show 2015. Organised by the Tokyo Toy Association, it will feature the best in toys that are made in Japan. Tokyo Marui will be showcasing the "Train Gun" which is an airsoft gun that fires softer foam projectiles which will be safe for kids to use and is easily converted into a toy train that runs on wheels in case they get bored of playing cops and robbers.

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