APS CAM870 CO2 Shotgun Slow Motion


Top Hong Kong shooter Joe Lau of Team APS works with the APS CAM870 CO2 Airsoft Shotgun as he goes through a course. The APS CAM870 is preferred by 3-Gun airsoft shooters due to its real action features that mimics the operation of a real shotgun. The APS CAM870 is available in different variants to suit any airsoft shooter's needs.

Super Slow-Mo Airsoft Grenade Explosion


The Hidden Hedgehog gets some airsoft smoke and frag grenades from Enola Gaye and do some super slow mo video footage with these... "I test all the enola gaye range, from explosions to smoke grenades, and film it in super slow motion so everyone can see the effects of each product and what they do during a paintball or airsoft game.

TAC-TV: Slow Motion Overload Video


You want some slow motion bullet action? Vickers Tactical TAC-TV shows you some objects being hit by a bullet in this really slow motion video that's over 3 minutes long... "Get ready for the most insane video of objects exploding in slow motion."

KJW 1911 Blowback Pistol Slow Motion


Want to do a slow motion video of your airsoft gun? You can if you have a smartphone camera that can do that such as the iPhone 6s. Check this video of the KJ Works 1911 Slow Mo blowback action done by Derek Rowe... "For whatever reason I cannot get the slowed-down audio to render.

But besides that, here we have a few slow motion shots of a KJWorks GBB-617 Gas Blowback 1911 pistol in action.

Tokyo Marui M4A1 MWS Slow Mo Fire


Nishiyan240 also got the new Tokyo Marui M4A1 MWS GBB and finds it excellent to operate. The shock absorbing mechanism of the ZET System makes perform better. In the firing tests which were done in regular and slow motion frame rates, you'll see the accuracy of the rifle, and also has impressive shot groupings.

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