SKW Airsoft: Duel Code Turret Sentinel


SKW Airsoft got an interesting product here for those who need something to guard entry points during game without using airsoft players. The Duel Code Turret Sentinel at SKW Airsoft allows you mount an AEP and has motion sensors. AEP is not included in the package as well and cannot distinguish friend from foe.

The Duel Code M4 Anonymous Heroes


If you have not heard about them yet, here they are again. Duel Code, which many know for their dummy bombs, also have a series of M4 AEGs under the brand called the Anonymous Heroes Series. Take your pick with two named after saints, and one called Denver. They are of different lengths and are full metal. SKWAirsoft are taking orders from interested dealers.

0'20 Magazine's Cesar tells more about these.

Duel Code Ultra White Heavy Bio BBs


SKWAirsoft sent in news that they new Duel Code Ultra White Bio BBs. Available in 1,000-round bags. Diameter is 5.95±0.01mm and are available in heavier weights: .36, .40, .43, and .45 grams. Airsoft snipers can check these out if they meet their requirements. We do not know how polished they are as not much was said in the descriptions of these BBs.

IWA Outdoor Classics 2017: SKW Airsoft


Ruben of SKW Airsoft presents the products the variours products they had on display at the IWA Outdoor Classics 2017 under the Secutor Arms such as the Gladius 17 and Velites Shotguns, which are the upcoming airsoft guns this year. Also on display were the Duel Code Bomb Simulators and Zoxna Mortars.

Duel Code Claymore Mine Available


SKW Airsoft announce that the Duel Code Claymore Mine is now in stock... "The Claymore Mine with motion sensor and remote control. The infrared sensor allows the use of the mine in day and in night. The remote control can control the activation, deactivation, rest mode, and detonation of the mine with 6 meters detection and blast radius. The detonation will release 120 to 160mm BBS. This is powered by a Lipo battery and is designed and assembled in Spain."

Gun Gamers: Duel Code Briefcase Bomb Prop


The SKWAirsoft got some bomb props that can be used for airsoft games on display at the SHOT Show 2017. In this video the Gun Gamers check out the Duel Code Briefcase Bomb Prop... "E House and Andre bring you the scoop on Duel Code's latest bomb prop offering, which is a briefcase bomb that can be disarmed by cutting the wires! Stay tuned to the end for a demo."

Evike: Skyway Duel Code Bomb Simulator


Now at is something that can spice up airsoft games, especially those who love the "de_dust" type game in which terrorists and counte-terrorists fight against each other to plant a bomb or defuse a bomb. For airsoft games, they can use this Duel Code Bomb Simulator from SKWAirsoft that will surely keep them on their toes.

SKWAirsoft: Duel Code Anonymous Hero Series


SKWAirsoft are proud to announce that the Duel Code Anonymous Hero Series is now in stock at their online store... "Duel Code comes to market with a 6-model range called 'Anonymous Hero', in homage to the Special Forces operators: anonymous soldiers, with their characteristic beards, and their cities of origin. In their honor, the series 'Anonymous Hero' is composed of the models 'Denver', 'San Diego' and 'Santa Monica'.

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