The Tactical Wizard: How To Chairsoft


Something a lot of airsoft players will need to learn, the art of Chairsofting especially when they have a lot of time and an internet connection. Let the Gun Gamers give you the ultimate lesson from the Tactical Wizard... "Today, the Tactical Wizard gives his expert opinion on how to be an airsofter when you can't airsoft.

Needless to say, this video is a parody where I play a character and make fun of some of the things all of us (especially me) are guilty of!  So relax, and enjoy."

Novritsch: Wheelchair Airsoft Player Tommy


Novritsch, the world famous airsoft sniper, features a different kind of chairsofter, the kind you will respect in ths video... "Chairsofter Tommy wan operating with Airsoft Sniper Novritsch at the urban game area. Let me know what you think about Tommywan and if you know other handicapped people who are doing something similar."

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