Mach Sakai: Marui Albert.W. Model 01


Mach Sakai gets his hands on the newly released Tokyo Marui Samurai Edge Albert.W.Model 01 Gas Blowback Pistol. This pistol, released for the Resident Evil: Biozahard 7 is named after Albert Wesker from Umbrella Corporation and comes in a hard case and suppressor. Mach Sakai tests it for rate of fire, operation, and accuracy for this video.

RWTV: Albert.W. Model 01 Pistol


Tim Selby does a full episode for RedWolf Airsoft TV, covering the Tokyo Marui Samurai Edge Albert W. Model 01 Gas Blowback Pistol made for Resident Evil: Biohazard 7 video game... "As Mark is currently on holiday, Tim took it upon himself to take a closer look at the GBB pistol that featured one of the scariest sequels of the Resident Evil series, Resident Evil 7. Does this replica have a place on the field, or is it just another pistol you will keep it home locked away inside its case?"

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