Burst Wizard 3 MOSFET Multi-Burst Milsim


This product has been in the market early this year, but if you haven't heard about this new MOSFET from AEG Wizard, then read further on, especially if you need something like this for Milsim events... "Up until now, Airsoft Electric Gun (AEG) cannot be compared to Gas powered Airsoft gun in realisim and consistency. But this is going to change with the introduction of Burst Wizard 3 100% MILSIM MOSFET/fire control computer.

Burst Mode for Your Airsoft Gun At $20


The Burst Wizard MOSFETs are now available at Airsoft GI and here's Bob to tell you more about these chips that allow you even more control on how your AEG will fire... "Have you ever wanted to make your gun shoot burst? What about adding extra protection for your gearbox and internals.

Burst Wizard King Kong Super 2 Review


Another video review from the French-Language Airsoft Review YouTube Channel. This episode shows a review of the Burst Wizard King Kong Super 2 which is a MOSFET that you can attach to your AEG without doing much disassembly in order to install it. This comes with 4 modes + 12 additional parameters which are quick to do with simple commands.

ASGI: Making Airsoft Guns Shoot Burst


A new MOSFET from Burst Wizard is presented here by Airsoft GI's Daniel... "Ever heard other players talking about a mosfet? Ever wondered what it does for your gun? The new Burst Wizard Mosfet is a great option for players looking to both protect the internals of their gun and add some awesome new features. Sniper delays, burst firing capabilities, and magazine counters are all new and awesome features with the mosfet.

Burst Wizard King Kong Elite Demo Video


It seems that the Burst Wizard King Kong Plug and Play MOSFET gets an upgrade with the Elite version as demo'ed in this video... "With Burst Wizard King Kong Elite cycle gear technology, your regular AEG can transfrom instantly into a Burst capable AEG with full MOSFET advantages. The burst count can be from 1 to 9. At 1, it is equivalent of firing semi at fullauto tappet plate position so you don't have to flip the switch and definitely makes your gearbox last longer with much less mechanical tear and wear.

Burst Wizard King Kong Plug & Play MOSFET


Another MOSFET spotted. This time it's the newest Burst Wizard plug and play product called King Kong which is available at Airsoft World for £29.99... "The latest from Burst Wizard, in fact it is so new that Frenchie is going to have to re-record the video he has just completed which was based on the prototype - poor lamb!


DAI Burst Wizard Video Update


Benny of Delta Airsoft International has released a video update of their Burst Wizard, which is an easy to install system to your AEG if you need to adjust your firing modes and have an efficient use of power for your airsoft gun. Check the video out to learn how to use it... "This AEG burst wizard can allow special burst mode firing from 1-7 shots per burst. It enforces LIPO battery low voltage protection.

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