0'20 Magazine: Emerson Gear TIER1 Operator


0'20 Magazine reviews the AOR2 uniform from Emerson Gear as part of their Issue 42 of their English edition... "The AOR2 or Navy Working Uniform Type III is a uniform developed for the US Navy which has gained tremendous popularity thanks to its use by special units such as the SEALs or the DEVGRU.

Gear Gallery: Navy SEAL RECCE AOR2


Airsoft & Milsim News Blog got some awesome photos at their latest Gear Gallery depicting a Navy SEAL RECCE AOR2 loadout... "We continue with a new loadout presentation to our Gear Gallery for you. This time, we decided to focus on a Navy SEAL RECCE AOR2 inspired loadout. RECCE – what does it mean? It stands for: reconnaissance. Missions like these require specific gear including lots of technical equipment the soldiers have to carry with them to fulfil the needs for a good reconnaissance.

New Balance AOR2 Combat Shirt


Now this is a surprise, spotting a combat shirt under the New Balance brand and findin it in Hong Kong rather than in the US. It's tacticool looking one using AOR2 camo which should please Navy SEAL fans. It might be available soon at Toy Soldier's website so better contact them even before it appears as it's a limited run. But who knows? It might also appear at U.S. retailers, if they get lucky to have one.

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