New Balance AOR2 Combat Shirt


Now this is a surprise, spotting a combat shirt under the New Balance brand and findin it in Hong Kong rather than in the US. It's tacticool looking one using AOR2 camo which should please Navy SEAL fans. It might be available soon at Toy Soldier's website so better contact them even before it appears as it's a limited run. But who knows? It might also appear at U.S. retailers, if they get lucky to have one.

New Balance OTB Mid Rappel Boots


Spotted online, this newly released footwear made by New Balance in cooperation with OTB was specifically made for those who scale cliffs, rocks, rappel/abseil via fast roping. This lessens wear and tear for such rugged use and prevents snags and even the laces getting untied while in operations... "This was designed and engineered at the request of the US Navy SEALS.

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