The Firearm Blog: Silencers Aren’t Silent!


Pretty sure many airsoft players that silencers are not actually silent when used. Still in the spirit of education, The Fiream Blog has put up a video to dispel the myth... "In this episode of TFBTV, James addresses another myth that has spread in popularity lately due to a number of highly publicized political stories: Is the silencer truly silent? Or does it just suppress noise? Does it really make that 'pew pew' sound like in the movies?

Defiance Silencers For The Airsoft Market


Whilst a lot of airsoft players wait in anticipation of the upcoming KRISS Vector .45 ACP Gas Blowback SMG being developed by KWA, Christophe Guignard, the VP for Sales & Marketing of KRISS Systems SA sent in photos for the upcoming Defiance Silencers that they are preparing for the airsoft market.

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