Magpul Samsung S5 & Nexus Cases at AONW


Airsoft Outlet Northwest have on stock Magpul field cases for Android devices... "Magpul is doing their best to keep field cases on all the popular new phones, and recently released theSamsung Galaxy S5 and Nexus 5 field cases. Our first shipment of both of these phone cases disappeared instantly, but we've received a restock, and have added the pink models, as well as the popular Black, FDE, and OD.

Nexus SF Helmet Now at UK Tactical


Not a replica, it's the real deal and you can get this at UK Tactical for £195.00... "The NEXUS S.F. (Special Forces Helmet) is cut higher around the ears for Tactical Headsets comms fit. The higher cut helmet offers enhanced Pheriperal vision, are lower in profile and lighter in weight. The Nexus S.F. Helmet has no lip or ear coverage and is ideal for Special Forces, Snipers and Counter Terrorist Teams.


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