TOP 50 Fake Navy SEAL Claims


Thanks to Thumpy's 3-D House of Airsoft for spotting this video. We are all in this campaign to prevent stolen valour which unfortunately some in the airsoft community resort to for reasons of being called the coolest player in the group or worse, for monetary gains. The problem for those who pose as fake veterans or active servicemen, there is always the internet that will help expose that they are frauds.

Don Shipley's Phony Navy SEAL of the Week


Don Shipley of Extreme Seal Experience is after people who pretend to be members of the Navy SEALs and here he exposes an airsofter... "Retired Navy SEAL Don Shipley BUSTS Raymond. Raymond claims to be a former SEAL and a Marine Corps Colonel for his Airsoft Team... It sucks that one of Raymonds sons is in the Navy and the second is joining shortly...

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