Surplus Store On Cheating In Airsoft


"Should we stop publicising cheating in airsoft?" That's the question posted by the Surplus Store as they write about this scourge of airsoft games... "Unfortunately, like many other sports, cheating occurs in airsoft. As much as it pains us to admit, players, both new and experienced, bend, ignore, and break the rules of gameplay for their or their team’s benefit. Thankfully, and we’d like to make this clear, it is a meagre amount of people that commit these crimes, and the sport is certainly not ‘rife’ with cheating.

Diles46: You're An Airsoft Cheater


Diles46 talks about those who accuse the opposing team as cheaters. Are they the same as cheaters themselves. Good topic to debate... "Swearing that the other team is a bunch of cheaters and not calling thier hits vs. actually just having fun and enjoying any type of airsoft game. Let's talk about this."

Understanding Airsoft Cheaters Video Essay


Is cheating in airsoft becoming a widespread problem nowadays? Just go to YouTube and you'll find videos of cheating, whether real or fake. Wild Waves Airsoft does a video essay on this and how to deal with it... "Why Do Cheaters Cheat? In Today's Video Essay, We Delve Into This Topic... and Find Ways That We Can Combat Cheating In Airsoft..."

The BB Warrior Responds To Jonathan


More on the accusations that airsoft YouTubers cheat to get better game footage for their viewers with The BB Warrior making a response to Airsoftology... "Today's video is a little different; I'll be doing a response to Airsoftology's video about whether or not Airsoft Youtubers cheat for better footage. Airsoftology has been a huge inspiration to my channel, so this should be an interesting one!"

Pre-Firing An Airsoft Cheating Issue?


Is pre-firing, a method in which you fire at a certain area knowing that a target is approaching it a form of cheating? Some have problems with it, others don't. Jonathan Higgs tackles this issue in airsoft as part of this episode of Airsoftology's Q&A Mondays.

"Tippmann Mail Call

Bodgeups Airsoft: Cheater At NAE 2016


Bodgeups Airsoft, who we had the pleasure to be playing in our group during the National Airsoft Festival 2016 has this footage of someone not acknowledging his hit... "Here's the first of my 'NAE Stories' from this year's National Airsoft Event. Unfortunately, it's a negative start...

This has to be the most blatant case of cheating I've ever captured on camera. Please airsofters, DON'T CHEAT. It ruins the game.

Unicorn Leah On Players Not Calling Hits


The Unicorn Leah has this video of a player not calling his hit during a private game. Is it because of she is a girl or is it because this happens in the airsoft field? It can be either or both... "People always ask me if I have a problem with people calling their hits on the field because I'm a girl. This video is a perfect example of a scenario that I am in almost quite literally every time I play airsoft, no matter where I play. You be the judge.

Wolverine Airsoft "What The Tech?!" Ep. 2


How do you prevent people cheating in airsoft tournament? Wolverine Airsoft's "What The Tech" web series covers this concern with part 1 in Episode 2 and it is about electronics... "Rich explains some ways to deter people from cheating in airsoft. Helpful for both players and field owners."

Dark Horse Airsoft On Airsoft Cheating


EvilBert of Dark Horse Airsoft Team in Wichita, Kansas, sent in this link about about a video they created on airsoft cheating. He explains that there are different airsoft systems that can be made to cheat without much effort and that the video stresses that is individuals who should be held accountable for cheating and that banning entire syste,s (i.e. HPA-powered airoft guns) is not the solution.

Caught On Cam: Safety Kill Violation


This video which Thumpy's 3-D House of Airsoft Page found shows a flagrant violation of the Safety Kill (called the "Bang Rule" in other places) where a player who closes passes the minimum shooting distance which in this case is 10 feet for Operation: Furioso, should resort to the Safety Kill to avoid injuries/hurting the target player(s). In this case, a player violated the rule and was caught on camera.

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