TGL: UF PRO Monsoon SmallPac Rain Suit


Eric reviews a rain suit that we want to get our hands on --- the UF PRO Monsoon SMallpack Rain Suit... "We also liked how the Monsoon Rain Suit was easy to don and doff, and how small we can pack it down. With practice (and the size of your suit), you can pack it down very small, and I bet even get both the pants and the jacket into the same pouch. If you are in need of a great piece of foul weather gear for work, for training, or you enjoy being out in the rain, then the Monsoon Smallpac Rain Suit is for you.

UF PRO Monsoon SmallPac Rain Suit


UF PRO are introducing a new generation of rain suits. In this case, they will be initiall release the UF PRO Monsoon SmallPac Rain Suit. It can be easily carried with your gear as it is a compact gear and as shown in the video is strapped to the leg area. When there's a downpour, you can easily pull it out and wear to keep yourself dry.

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