KC Tactical: Cyma Platinum AK Alfa S-AEG


KC Tactical goes over the German-spec Cyma Platinum AK Alfa S-AEG in this video... "Hello airsoft friends... Today we'll take a look at the Cyma Platinum AK ALFA SAEG together. This comes with a new V3 Hybrid Gearbox and includes EFCS. There have always been modern AK interpretations, but this one is probably the most modern and even comes directly from AK."

The Pathfinder, Mrčara, 28-25 June 2015


The Lucid Mind is all worked up now preparing for the next Adriatic Airsoft Alfa event that will happend on Mrčara Island again from the 25th to the 28th of June 2015.  Ladies and Gentlemen! Start cleaning those replicas, start cleaning your booths and start working out. 'The island' is calling again. Who is brave enough to join us in this battle of epic proportions?

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