
WebSighting: TEAM URNA

Gungho Cowboy

While browsing around in search of airsoft information while killing time, I stumbled upon the website of Team URNA, who are based in the Czech Republic. While expecting to be a mainly Czech language site, I was surprised also that it has a nicely written English version. Going through the pages, I was impressed, and I thought it deserves to be mentioned as it is a very much unique group.

In terms of mil-police activities, your first impression of Team URNA, is that they are in a way, similar to the Elgin City Rats, a famous airsoft team widely interviewed and featured in airsoft sites and magazines. While the Elgin City Rats are available as opfor units for US Military exercises, Team URNA patterns itself to the Utvar Rychleho Nasazeni Policie Ceske (URN of the Czech Police), which is an elite police unit similar to the SWAT units in the USA and the Philippines.

According to their website, they are comprised of 7 full-members and 1 on probation with an average age of 25 years. Sometimes divided into "A" and "B" groups, they have ranks adopted from the Czech Police. They have strict applicant requirements, if one so desires to join their team, as their opening for an "Attack Member" illustrates:

  • 20 years of age
  • Ability to come everyweek to training
  • Acceptable AEG guns are: H&K MP5 Series, AUG or shotgun, but MP5 is very much preferred
  • Minimum equipment for 6 months probation is black police clothes, balaclava, goggles, gloves, combat boots
  • Endurance
  • Ability to work in heights
  • Ability to work in a team
  • Ability to respect commanding officer
  • Fair-play spirit
  • Much interested in special police units and airsoft
  • Wealthy enough to buy other necessary equipment

If you're a lone-wolf airsofter, then forget about joining them. If you don't have enough dough to pay for some mandatory equipment, then forget being accepted. They are a serious team that these requirements, while may be discriminating against those who cannot afford much equipment, have instituted these requirements to maintain team cohesion in terms of loadout and discipline. But I guess with cheaper equipment that you can purchase from HK retailers, the possibility of having the minimum combat equipment requirements can be easily met. As to your self-discipline and commitment, that's another story.

They have a "Decalogue" which is basically a 10-point principle or declaration, similar to the 10 Commandments, and to which every member of the team should adhere to:

  1. INTELLIGENCE - Ability to learn. Ability to determine and solve problems especially in stressful situations
  2. AMBITIOUSNESS AND PURPOSEFULNESS - Ability to know your real capability, get the job done, work on yourself
  3. FLEXIBILITY AND ADAPTABILITY - Unconventional mind, invention, ability to improvise
  4. MATURITY - Non impulsive, non gullible experienced behavior without exaggeration
  5. EMOTIONAL STABILITY - Ability to accept criticism, to be patient, control oneself. However, lethargy and exorbitant repression of feelings is not acceptable
  6. GOOD MOOD - Optimist with sense of humor, without sudden changes
  7. SOCIAL ADAPTABILITY - Helpful and honest behavior; Ability to accept authority and rules of a team; Initiative
  8. AGGRESSIVENESS AND COURAGE - Controlled aggressiveness, courage with self-preservation - without thoughtless actions
  9. HIGH TOLERANCE OF FRUSTRATION - Ability to stay operational and focused on mission in case of interruption, waiting or disturbance
  10. MORALLY ETHICAL BEHAVIOR - Behavior according to social rules and values, sense of justice, conscientiousness and positive motivation for work

Some members of TEAM URNA already have some valuable skills before joining the team, thus a ready wealth of knowledge for improving team efforts.

Gleaning from the site, TEAM URNA has regular training similar to its Czech Police counterpart that it makes me wonder if some of them are actually members of URN. The training regimen looks tough, and there's an actual physical examination scoring table used in evaluating applicants and members.

The total costs of their gear run up to US$2,000.00, which is really a hefty price in joining the team. They have strict uniform requirements and have a their own unit patches. They purchase from the supplier of the real URN but they don't wear police badges as they are not a law enforcement unit.

Checking their online gallery out, they have a great collection of quality photos and videos which are not available for download. So I have to take a screenshot of their photos and website which I hope they would not mind as I needed some materials for this article.

Overall, their website is one finely made site, and very much informative. While many airsoft team sites are made up of the usual forums and photo galleries of their gear and skirmishes, TEAM URNA has deployed a site that is simple, easy to navigate, and gives information about an airsoft team that is worthy of recognition like its real URN counterpart.

Check their site out at: http://www.urna.net/anglicky/index.htm

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