
Airsoft Meetup Highlight: Special Airsoft Player Award To Mark Rasmussen


The Airsoft Meetup that takes place at the IWA Outdoor Classics is always a straightforward affair: quick speeches, quick presentations, quick awarding. Bang! Bang! Boom! Done! But this year’s Airsoft Meetup is something that we shall remember for a long time.

The Awarding Ceremonies of the Airsoft Players’ Choice Awards is one of the major parts of the Airsoft Meetup. All awardees have been voted by Popular Airsoft readers and the general airsoft players from around the world, making it the largest awarding event in the airsoft industry, and also the largest online event in airsoft. It is also one of the sweetest moments awardees, and it is a big recognition to the hard work they have put into airsoft in whatever capacity they are --- as an airsoft retailer, manufacturer, blogger, publication, YouTube Channel, and as an airsoft player. For this awarding ceremony, it was also honouring a player who has given much to the hobby to be taken away from us as at such a very young age.

Mark Rasmussen, the founder and CEO of Airsoft Denmark, passed away last November 2016 in Oxford, United Kingdom. He was 22.

He had plans for Airsoft Denmark to be big, and for the UK airsoft scene, Mark became a familiar face, an active participant at various events in the UK. It was an unfortunate that his plans had been cut short by his death.

But the airsoft community did not want his efforts go unrewarded. The United Kingdom Airsoft Players’ Union (UKAPU) spearheaded the campaign to have Rasmussen nominated for the Special Airsoft Player Award of the 7th Airsoft Players’ Choice Awards. Joined by others such as Rasmussen’s supporters in Denmark and by ASG, voters have decided to give Rasmussen this award posthumously.

During the awarding ceremony, Action Sport Games (ASG), led by Paul Wignell, joined by RedWolf Airsoft’s Marck Daniel West, got up the stage to accept the award and read a message on behalf of Rasmussen’s mother, Lone Rasmussen.  The message was sweet and short, but Paul was not able to hold back his tears having overseen the growth of Rasmussen in airsoft in the UK:

If you were not able to make out what Paul has read, here is the full text which he posted on his Facebook Page:

"Dear All,

On behalf of my son Mark Rasmussen, who unfortunately is not here anymore, I thank you with all of my heart, for the fine gesture you have shown him here today.

Mark would have been so proud if he had been allowed to experience this moment.

I thank the airsoft community for your support and kind words in connection with the Marks death.

Mark was passionate about what he did and I was there all the way on the sidelines. There was not room for much else. However, Mark had a wonderful girlfriend, Andra, whom he loved more than anything else. Andra was Mark`s cookie and she had a unique patience and understanding for his work.

A special thanks to ASG in Denmark. They believed in Mark and his work. And a big thank you to Paul Wignell from the UK who took Mark around the sites in the UK. Mark really cared for Paul.

The last major cooperation Mark obtained before his death, was with Redwolf. They also deserve a big thank you for believing in his work. Thanks Marck.

 Unfortunately, I have to say that Airsoft Denmark as a company is closing, but I will continue to pay for Mark`s site. I think it should be, as a memento of Mark`s outstanding work.

To conclude, I think that I will inform you all about the cause of Mark`s death. He died of a brain inflammation, possibly caused by a virus.

Once again, many thanks for the nice gesture you have shown my son. I am deeply honored.

Dear Mark, Congratulations on the title, I'm so proud of you. See you in Valhalla.


Sincerely Mark's mother,


The audience at the Airsoft Meetup gave a standing ovation honouring Marck for getting an achievement after his death; Lone for believing in her son’s airsoft passion; Paul, ASG and RedWolf Airsoft in supporting Mark and Airsoft Denmark. It was an emotional moment and it was a moment that we will never forget.

And we will never forget Mark Rasmussen.

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