
NERF Updates Laser Tag Line With The Release Of The Laser Ops Pro


NERF is known for its foam darts, those somewhat harmeless projectiles fired from NERF Blasters (of course). They are fun and safe to use and for airsoft players wanting to satisfy their itchy trigger fingers but nowhere near an airsoft game facility, can always resort to NERF wars as they can just happen anywhere, though they may have to watch out for paranoid police who think that they are real guns.

But they also have a Laser Tag line which they launched some years back. Called Lazer Tag and they were to use. No need for vests as the hit sensors are on the Lazer Tag guns themselves. Now, Hasbro updates the laser tag offerings called the Laser Ops Pro that looks like the company took some hints from the first person shooter video games.

Having the hit sensor as a translucent dome on top of the Laser Ops Pro eliminates cheating as players cannot cover the Laser Ops Pro guns during game play as compared to wearing vests with hit sensors. Just like the other laser tag guns, it is actually infrared red, not some laser beams that we usually see in sci-fi movies.

Now what sets the NERF Laser Ops Pro apart from other laser tags? It actually comes with an app that can be installed on iOS and Android smartphones. For FPS video gamers, it is familiar territory as they can track their performance, earn power ups, customize the blasters, and even keep tabs of the opposing force during a game.

With the app, you can also play by yourself with Augmented Reality (AR) and that means you can still get trigger time even if your usual laser tag friends are not around.

The available Lase Ops Pro blasters at the NERF online store are the AlphaPoint and Deltaburst. The AlphaPoint are pistol versions while the Deltaburst is a rifle design which has an LCD screen that shows ammo and health. If you want to get some Pew pew pew time with a friend quickly, you can grab  2-Pack AlphaPoint and get blasting quickly.

So in between airsoft games, having some play time at home or at the office with the Laser Ops Pro can keep you from being bored. You can pew, pew, pew all the time.

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