
Airsoft Sniper Vs. White Walkers Gameplay


Dundich sent this gameplay video of White Walkers in a video game. If you think yourself as Jon Snow of airsoft, you mighty like this gameplay. Winter is already coming, so might as well squeeze any GoT stuff that can made for an airsoft game... "New Game Type (VIDEO): White Walkers - Two parts Airsoft Game.

The First part of the Game:

You're on your own, and the goal is to hit all your opponents. All players runs into the field and the game starts as soon as the signal is given. Once hit, you must leave the playing area until half of all players are hit.

The Second part of the Game:

A new signal indicating the second part of the game will be given as soon as half of all the players have been hit. These players will be marked in blue forming a new team of 'White Walkers' to attack the remaining players."

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