
Bob's Axetravaganza at Gamepod Teaser


For those who missed this game of Airsoft GI, here's the teaser video... "Happy Halloween! Enjoy this teaser of Bob's Zombie Axetravaganze at Gamepod Combat Zone in Antioch, CA! This game featured zombie themed gameplay where players would rotate and play both as survivors and as zombies!

Basic Rules: Survivors would be marked by green glow sticks and are allowed limited ammo. ALL other players are zombies! A zombie may 'infect' survivors by placing two hands on them. Zombies have unlimited respawns and take multiple shots before going down.

Would you survive the zombie apocalypse?!

Game was sponsored by Umarex and Elite Force!

Special thanks to Spartan117GW, Milsim Junkie, Maggiore SOAP, Delta Jay 061, and that Dude."

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