
Show your love for RSOV


Before you ask "What?", better read the rest of this news post and you'll get it. wants you to show your love for RSOV by getting the RSOV patch which means something else. This should make this averse at endorsing a shop or company with a patch rest easy... "'RSOV' or Ranger Special Operations Vehicle is the 4x4 land rover used by the U.S. Army's 75th Rangers Regiment or can be ' ' - one of the best and reputable on-line store selling airsoft guns and accessories worldwide for years.

As a special thanks for all your support of ' ' we have specially made this 'I LOVE RSOV' velcro patches (60mm x 60mm) in three color of green, tan and ACU and as a FREE GIFT to our buddies and fans.

You may pick up the 'I LOVE RSOV' velcro patch (limited one patch for each order ) in your shopping cart if you want one and we will ship it together with your order for free!  As the patch is with zero price and weight so it will not affect the total of your payment but just a thanks from our service team.

Again and again we thank you very much for your long term trust and support of and we will keep improving our services to serve you better and better in the future.


And here's the RSOV that we are talking about (Source: Wikipedia):

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