
TGL: HSP D3 Chest Rig Review


The latest review from The Gear Locker covers the HSP D3 Chest Rig that was recently released... "For TGL, this rig is perfect for range time and training time. When we play airsoft, it is a great rig for short duration games.  As the end user’s mission or AO change, this rig can adapt with them. If you are worried about the D3 holding up, do not worry.  The D3 is made out of 500D Cordura and the colors available are: Black, Coyote, Multicam, Kryptek Mandrake, Kryptek Highlander, Kryptek Nomad, and Typhoon.  The D3 retails for $170.00 and can be purchased from HSP Directly."

Read the full review at The Gear Locker.

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