
Play Call Of Duty: Black Ops 3 Campaign In Any Order You Want


It looks like you can enjoy the Campaign Mode of the upcoming Call of Duty: Black Ops 3 in any way you like. Treyarch, the game developer of the latest title in the Call of Duty video game franchise, announced that they are leaving all the missions unlocked. This means that you can even go to the final mission/level even without going through the first mission. Confused? But I actually welcome this change even if it takes the excitement of unlocking weapons and levels just like we have been in doing in the past game titles.

If you are a subscriber to Netflix, then you will be familiar with this as they released all the episodes of their own House of Cards at the same time.

This was confirmed by Jason Blundell director of the campaign and the Zombie mode of Call of Duty: Black Ops 3, in an interview with Eurogamer, that they intend to give the players more choice in how they want to play the Campaign Mode, saying that, "It gives them the flexibility to consume the content how they want."

Blundell acknowledges that this is aimed at players who are mature who want to do the campaign missions on their own time:

"Consumers and game players in general are far more mature these days. There are so many things vying for our interests today. It's about, how do they want to consume it? Maybe they put it down on level two, and then they're in work the next day, and some guy says, 'dude, you've got to check out level four!' And he's like, 'okay, I'll have a quick look.' That's totally fine. I think it's their choice."

I would rather play the Campaign Mode the old way, and then come back to the different missions after accomplishing the whole Campaign and with a focus on the missions that will be come my favourite.  Still, with the way the missions will be left unlock, it's all up to the players to decide on how they are going to play this mode.

Also last week the released the Official Call of Duty: Black Ops III - Cybercore: Chaos video where the Chaos Cybercore abilties are shown as part of the cybernetic modifications that can be accessed during the campaign.

Call of Duty: Black Ops 3 is set to be released on the 6th of November 2015 and will be available for the XBox, Playstation, and PC. But for owners of XBox 360 and Playstation 3, the Campaign Mode won't be available.

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