Accessorizing The Noveske N4 GBBR By EMG x CGS


Cephas858 shows how he accessorised his Noveske N4 GBBR by EMG x CGS in a more functional way rather than just form so as to utilise it more effectively in the game field... "We discuss the accessories and modifications we have done to our Noveske N4 GBBR by EMG x CGS airsoft rifle."

EMG CGS Noveske N4 GBB Detailed Review


Cephas858 reviews the EMG CGS Noveske CGS N4 GBB rifle, a new and improved gas blowback system that works with Tokyo Marui MWS parts. The rifle has a high-quality aluminum body, a licensed Noveske N4 Gen 3 design, a short 10.5" barrel, a Noveske NSR-9 M-LOK handguard, a 20mm RIS rail, an adjustable CRANE stock, an ergonomic pistol grip, a rear QD sling point, and a 30 round Lancer Systems L5 AWM magazine. It is a reliable and efficient base gun that is ready to use and customize.

Tokyo Marui MWS URGI MK16 10.3" Wildlands Gameplay


One of the best ways to make a purchasing decision of an airsoft gun is to find out the feedback from the owner one one model after a gameplay. In this case, Cephas858 put the Tokyo Marui MWS URGI MK16 10.3" Gas Blowback Rifle at the Wildlands Airsoft Lake Elsinore and he is happy with it... "Some highlights at Wildlands Airsoft using Tokyo Marui MWS based URGI MK16 10.3". It's the best GBBR we have ever used."

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