
Hyperdouraku: Chiyoda Marksman Government Terminator Model


Hyperdouraku: Chiyoda Marksman Government Terminator Model

Another history lesson from Hyperdouraku as Yas goes over the Chiyoda Marksman Government Terminator Model airsoft pistol that was released in 1985... "The movie "Terminator" released in 1984 had a great influence on the toy gun industry.

The firearms used by Schwarzenegger's futuristic assassination robot, Terminator, quickly gained attention, and the AMT Hardballer with a laser site, which was particularly impressive in the play, became a coveted toy gun fan.

A large tube-shaped laser site mounted on a 6-inch long slide that shines in stainless silver.
Chiyoda was the first to pay attention to this. Chiyoda bought the manufacturing and sales rights for the marksman government sold by Maruzen, and improved the chip-up single-shot type to eight-shot 6mm BB bullets.

Based on that, the terminator model equipped with a long slide equipped with ventilated ribs, a square trigger guard, and a large scope magazine boasting 150 magazines was released at the end of 1985."

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