
Troubleshooting The Modify PP2K GBB Trigger Malfunction


Troubleshooting The Modify PP2K GBB Trigger Malfunction

Here is a video from Modify-Tech showing how to work on the trigger malfunction of the Modify PP2K GBB machine pistol... "Hello guys, the How-To Series is a series of videos that will cover all things you should know when you received our new product. There will be more videos uploaded on here. Hope you enjoy it. :)

Some quick notes here:

If you have the trigger malfunction you should

  1. Charge your bolt first then release the magazine.
  2. Lubricate the three parts on the trigger unit after cleaning. 01:15
  3. Check the trigger pin. Loosen from the right side, and tighten from the left side. 01:30
  4. Check the trigger spring and screw. 01:40
  5. Contact us through e-mail or on FaceBook."

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