
WE M14 Springfield Armory GBB Rifle


Jeff The Kid WE M14 Springfield Armory GBB Rifle

Jeff The Kid reminds us of the existence of M14 gas blowback rifle made by WE Airsoft in this video... "I believe that this M14 from WE must have caused quite a sensation when it first went on the market. Even today, the popularity of this M14 is still very strong.

Although I have never had a chance to touch it when I was a soldier, I bought it because I really like its appearance A Type 57 rifle made in Taiwan named by the Republic of China and many players love and hate this gun when they were in the army. What is the difference between the Type 57 rifle and the M14 produced by the American Springfield Armory? Let me introduce you in the video, let’s take a look."

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