
In Ubisoft’s Far Cry 5 You Battle An Armed Religious Cult In Montana


Last week, Ubisoft Montreal released the latest in the Far Cry series. For Far Cry 5, the story is set in the United States, Hope County, Montana to be exact. The county is slowly being taken over by a armed doomsday cult called Eden’s Gate that is forcing residents to convert to their group and rid the county of sinners. Some Hope County residents have decided to resist this cult, which of course will set the game into an armed conflict between the two groups.

Some say the game will controversial in the Trump era, with Sushant Talwar of Dailyo writing:

Far Cry 5, from its initial release trailer and artwork, promises to be one the most controversial games in modern times. It's literally a far cry from the safe confines of previous plots: from White protagonists killing indigenous people of colour to taking on White militia in the computer-generated Hope County, Montana, the show is already being dubbed as a "White genocide simulator".

In the Donald Trump-fuelled age of fear and hate, the game's narrative is highly political, with the potential to send out a strong statement, and as the chatter on Twitter will tell you, it also has the ability to enhance the growing divide between people...

Now, politics aside, the aspects of Far Cry 5 still follows the previous titles, being a first-person shooter open world game and there are many vehicles that can be used in the game, including muscle cars. This means that players will be able to explore the game in a wild expanse. But there is more emphasis in close quarters combat with the use of melee weapons found farms such as pitchforks. 

The player takes on the role as a Sheriff’s Deputy, to arrest Joseph Seed, who is called in the cult as “The Father” who is supported by siblings --- one is a ex-military officer who oversees armed members; a sister who tries to entices people to join the group; and a lawyer who is acquiring land in Hope County. As for those opposing the cult, these are comprised of the local pastor, a bartender, and a cropduster pilot.

Far Cry 5 is set to be released in February 2018, and will be Microsoft Windows, Sony PlayStation 4, and Xbox One.

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