
This Year’s Call Of Duty Is Rumoured To Be Called "Call Of Duty: WWII"

Gungho Cowboy

It is definitely going back to its roots for the Call of Duty franchise if all the rumours swirling around this week prove to be true.  Different news sites point out to the video posted The Family of Gamers YouTube Channel last week show leaked images and logos showing “Call of Duty World: WWII”.

In late February 2017, Activision have indicated that they are going to take back Call of Duty back to its roots, which many believe to be the World War II series. In recent years, the Call of Duty went to take on more futuristic themes, with the last being “Infinite Warfare” that was a let-down in terms of sales whilst its rival FPS title, Battlefield, went back in time to the Great War, releasing Battlefield 1 to great acclaim.

Eurogamer has confirmed the story and indicate that their sources say that this year’s title will be called WWII.

Honestly, I would have preferred that Activision and Sledgehammer Gamers, the lead developer for the COD title this year, explore the Great War (World War I) theme, even if EA and DICE took them by surprise. We are in 2017 and it is a hundred years since the First World War that brought to fore warfare on an industrial scale. It still needs to be further explored as there are lot of interesting battles from the war that can be brought to life in a video game. We’ll see the contrast between these two competitors on how the present their games based on historical events.

It looks like Dave Thier, writing about the COD: WWII rumours on Forbes is also of the same thought, though he recommend also other areas that remain to be further explored:

Battlefield 1 succeeded not just because of it’s [sic] down and dirty response to high-flying sci-fi, but due to the novel and largely unexplored setting of World War 1. World War 2 has no such novelty, even if it hasn't been such a popular setting in recent years. I'd rather have seen Activision pursue a similar idea without such well-trod territory: Vietnam has beckoned in the past, as have other historical conflicts.

We’ll find out soon enough straight from the horse’s mouth. We expect Activision to make an announcement soon to confirm this or not as they have a marketing time frame to follow and they better start preparing for the release near the end of this year.

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