Evike Advanced Compact Pro-Chronograph II
14 Aug 2012

This chronograph video review is an update of the Union Force Company (UFC) Chrono that was reviewed before. The Evike Advanced Compact Airsoft Computer Chronograph II is identical to the UFC in form and function except for the new lipo battery. The UFC and Big Dragon chrono's reviewed previously were all powered with NiCad or NiMh packs.
The battery is replacable should the Lipo fail, though the internals must be first pulled out to access the battery which is taped to the motherboard. The faceplate must first be removed to pull out the internals out of the shell, simliar to external HD cases.
This is a great little chrono. It's only slightly larger than a PEQ box. It's portable enough to carry with you so you can spot check guns on the field. The display is a little dark and hard to read but it does the job. At $65 it's the most affordable chrono on the market.
It's available right now at Evike.com for US$60.00.
Moondog is the founder of Moondog Industries and New York's airsoft board and definitive guide to airsoft NYCAirsoft .