Military1st: Pro-Force Trojan Hydration Pack


Take your pick of available hydration packs that are available at, especially these 1.5 litre Proforce Hydration Packs and you can choose between DPM and Multicam patterns... "Stay hydrated on the go with Pro-Force Trojan Hydration Pack! With 1.5L bladder & adjustable shoulder straps it's ideal for hot summer days in the field.

DesertFox: GeigerRig Hydration Engine


Jet DesertFox explains the advantages of the GeiggerRig Hydration Engine over the Camelbak-type hydration bladders. The Geiggerig are known for the hydration and filtration systems which are compatible with other packs and can be easily cleaned and stored away when not needed. Thus, it is a more convenient bladder to use and maintain.

Military1st: Klean Kanteen Available


The original BPA-free water bottles from Klean Kanteen are now available at These are made of toxin-free materials are very much easy to clean inside due to their wide mouth openings... "We're happy to announce that high quality, safe, lightweight & reusable stainless steel water bottles & other products by Klean Kanteen are now available at online store!

Source Kangaroo 1L Hydration Bladder


GI Tac reviews this Kangaroo hydration pack from Source, a company well known for personal hydration solutions... "Source has made a great 1L hydration pack for anyone looking for a smaller water carrier that won't get in your way. Because the pack is smaller, shooters can choose to mount it higher on their backs, allowing for easier access to vehicles.

[The Locker]: Geigerrig Hydration Systems


Matt brings us to the GIEGERRIG Hydration Systems in this episode of the's The Locker. Here's a quick description about these... "GIEGERRIG Hydration Packs bring a unique and new approach to personal hydration. By Introducing pressurized hydration bladders to the market GEIGERRIG has changed the approach to hydrating while hiking, biking or skiing. Sucking water through a drink tube is laborious, especially when you are sucking wind and keep the two elements separated.

Airsoft GI: Condor Hydro Harness


Bob presents this hydration harness from Condor Outdoor in this Airsoft GI video... "With summer quickly approaching and the need to stay hydrated more important than ever, Condor's newest product the Condor Hydro Harness, will be a very hot product (pun intended!). The Hydro Harness integrates into Condor Outdoor's line of modular chest rigs and provides the means to carry up to a 2.5 liter hydration bladder.

PHX MOLLE Vest With Hydration Pouch


The latest vest from Begadi now in stock. You can order it for 34.90EUR... "Light, ergonomic modular vest for MOLLE & PALS systems made of nylon mesh. The Modular vest is designed as a base for MOLLE pouches without using a body armor. Behind the nylon flap on the back, a 3 ltr.

[The Locker]: Condor Hydration Harness


An affordable hydration pack from Condor Outdoor with the black colour already available and the tan and OD colours on pre-order, Matt features if it meets the needs of the airsoft plater... "This hydration backpack is compatible with the MCR 4, 5, 6, and 7. Great addition to the MCR series to allow your light chest rig to carry hydration."

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