Red Army: Enjoying Night Vision Gear


This two-part video from Red Army Airsoft is interesting to watch as it shows how gear show up in Night Vision Devices. In this case, Russian Night Vision Devices test on various brands such as Condor Outdoor, TMC, Helikon-Tex, Odinn, Stich Profil, Garsing, VOIN, and Mechanix.

Odinn "Scout" Camo Combat Uniform


Check out the "Scout" Combat Clothig made by Odinn in this review by Red Army Airsoft... "A good friend! I came with a daily games 'Day 8 on the armor' and want to share fresh impressions from the set of 'The Scout' from Odinn company . You can think of it laudatory ode or an open aggressive advertising - I do not care. This is the product that I'm not ashamed to openly praise."

Odinn "Razvedchik" Camo Suit Review


The latest review from the Red Army Airsoft Club covers the Odinn "Razvedchik" ("Scout" In English) Camo Set in Multicam. Odinn produces its tactical products in Yekaterinburg with the "Razvedchik" getting its design inspiration from the Australians where the suit can be used as a separate layer that can cover even equipment, allowing for full concealment.

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