Mach Sakai: WA Ingram M11 GBB


If you have forgotten that Western Arms released an Ingram M11 Machine Pistol, we don't blame you. Released 20 years ago, it was a better one over the Maruzen M11, which was the first to be released to the market. What we like about the Western Arms is that it is much accurate, comes with a silenceer, and a 50-round magazine. Mach Sakai gets this hands on one for another review of this oldie but goodie.

M4 Conversion Kit For WA GBB System Sale


Bettery hurry if you want this. Impact Force CQB are having a sale of the M4 Conversion Kit Set for WA GBB System and there are just a few left... "Good news! M4 Conversion Kit Set for WA GBB System is only HKD3800 (around US$490) now! It's only a few left! So take your time and but it from our retail shop or online shop now!

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