0'20 Magazine Issue No. 42: Fashion Snaps


A selecion of photos taken by SG Fashion Snaps of Japan as published by 0'20 Magazine in issue 42... "Either wearing a tracksuit, a military uniform, dressed like a civilian, like Buzz Lightyear or like William Wallace, in other words, as an AIRSOFTER. We have chosen several ways to gear-up a match, each with its own pros and cons.

0'20 Magazine: Fashion Snaps


In issue 141, the English edition of 0'20 Magazine, they featurre SG Fashion Snap, the Japanese website that mainly focuses of taking photos of the loadouts of Japanese Sabage Game players whilst on the field... "In how many different ways are you able to gear up to play an airsoft game? And that is just with what you have in your closet. Try to think of the different uniforms, different camouflage styles, with different vests, helmets, first lines...

Chris Costa's Japan Tour 2016 Loadout


Survival Game Fashion Snap (SG-FASHI0N-SNAP), the website that showcases the loadout and trends in survival game fashion in Japan (and has some great photos of male and female Japanese airsoft players) officially included Chris Costa in their database as he is on his Survival Game Japan Tour 2016.

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