Masudaya Minuteman 10 Vintage Airsoft


Hyperdouraku is doing a Vintage Airsoft review series, showing you airsoft guns during the early years that were made in Japan. This review of the Masudaya Minuteman-10 by Kobori Daisuke shows you an airsoft gun that fires non-spherical plastic pellets before the airsoft industry settled with the spherical BBs.

Read the full review here.

Vintage Airsoft: Webley Replacement Shells


Vintage Airsoft, which have their online store on Etsy, have replacement shells that owners of the airsoft Webley Pistol can purchase from them. These are made to order so it will take time for them to ship your order... "At Vintage Airsoft, we love the Wingun Welbey MkVI. We have a couple of products here to make it more usable for airsoft skirmishing.

You can purchase the original gun from any good retailer."

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