eHobby Asia Removal Sale Still Ongoing


There is still a chance to get discounts from eHobby Asia with their Removal Sale. As they prepare to move to a new location from their existing shop in Hong Kong, they are putting airsoft guns at 10% and accessories at 20% off their retail prices. So if you want to avail of this opportunity, better do so now before the sale ends.

eHobby Asia Removal Sale Reminder


If you haven't heard the news as posted last week, here it is again. eHobby Asia are having a "Removal Sale" as they move to a new location and they plan on selling everything they have at the present location. Airsoft guns are at 10% off whilst accessories at 20% off and everything must go.

eHobby Asia Announces Removal Sale


eHobby Asia are moving to a new location and they don't plan on bringing everything at their present location to the new one. This means a sale and they announced a "Removal Sale" where customers get 10% off airsoft guns and 20% off accessories. Everything must go according to them, so check out what you can get before others beat you to some of the better choices.

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