Will your gas blowback rifle work properly in wintery, snowy conditions? The Bishop Operator got some tips for you... "GAS BLESS to you guys! Today We are talking about basics cleaning and preparing gbbr replicas for winter. I'm cleaning my airsoft replica same way all around year."
To be effective in MilSim in winter, keeping warm will always be paramount. In episode 150 of November Foxtrot, they touch oh this topic... "This is part 2 of our winter MilSim episode!
Winter is coming and we will be chatting about bits of kit you might be interested in to keep warm. Whether it's dashing around the field as QRF or standing on STAG for 2 hours - no one likes being uncomfortably cold ... and you can't always rely on cuddling up to your pal for warmth!"
A good episode for Gun Gamers to help airsoft players understand the layering of garments for when playing airsoft during winter... "In this video, Eric and Lutz discuss their approach to layering systems for airsoft games and how you can build your own for the winter!"
The cold weather is the bane for gas blowbacks. Explosive Enterprises got this tips for you to help you still use your GBBs during winter... "If you've ever had to put away your GBBR or other gas-powered airsoft replica for the winter, chances are there are tweaks you can make to keep it running."
Helikon Tactical Baseball Winter Caps in Shark Skin are available at Military1st.co.uk... "reathable and lightweight, the Helikon Tactical Baseball Winter Cap features a classic six-panel construction and embroidered air vents, a set of loop panels for ID and morale patches, and a size adjuster at the rear for a custom fit.