UKARA Database & PCA Bill 2017 Update


If you are having problems with the UKARA Player Check System, a bit more patience as they are making the player database more secure as the system is said to be under DOS attack in the past months that to prevent such was to turn the database off as a temporary measure. It is explained further below as an update was sent in by UKARA that also includes an update with the Police & Crime Act that affects airsoft.

Templar Airsoft On UK Policing & Crime Act


Templar Airsoft puts out a video to talk about the new Policing & Crime Act and how it affects UK airsoft... "The Policing and Crime bill has now been given Royal assent and has become the Policing and Crime Act 2017. This new act, when it becomes law, WILL affect airsoft in the UK. However, it is not as bad as it may seem, so long as you are aware of the new law."

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