DesertFox Airsoft: "Airsoft Fields I LOVE and HATE"


Curious on what airsoft game fields that Jet DesertFox loves and hate? Watch this video... "Like many of you are, I have been missing being able to play airsoft.  With so much free time to think about playing airsoft, I have been giving a lot of thought as to where I want to go play airsoft once the U.S. quarantine is finally lifted.  Since many of you are probably also eager to play and for some it may be your first time, I thought I’d share my opinions on a few outdoor fields."

How Insurance Affects Field Rules


An excellent topic that is rarely discussed on airsoft YouTube channels, which insurance that can be availed on airsoft and how to insurance companies can affect airsoft field rules. Watch E House and Amy discuss this in another episode of Gun Gamers' SpeedSim Series... "Today on SpeedSim, E House and Amy talk about how airsoft fields are affected by the policies and rules put forth by insurance companies."

"The Worst Mistake Airsoft Fields Make"


An airsoft player or teamshould take note of this when checking out if an airsoft game site is a good field to go to. Or if you are an airsoft field owner, you might want to see if you are doing what The BB Warrior says to be the worst mistake of airsoft fields... "Today we'll be discussing the worst mistake fields can make: poor staff. Having a bad staff can lead to players that visit your field leaving with a sour taste in their mouth, and can lose you money by not having them come back."

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