Cheap VS High-End Airsoft Replicas


In this episode of the Destockage Games they do crash tests to compare cheap and higher end airsoft guns... "Have you always wondered why there are price differences between replicas? Is an expensive replica really worth it? We give you our expertise in this new Crash Test video!"

Airsoft Accessories That Make A Difference


Destockage Games offers guidance on selecting airsoft accessories to enhance gameplay. Overwhelmed by options like red dots, scopes, handles, and lamps? The website provides tips and tricks for customizing airsoft replicas. It explores the benefits of accessorizing, explaining how to choose sights, grips, illumination systems, barrel extensions, and straps.

HPA Airsoft Will End AEGs?


HPA as a power source is not new in airsoft, in fact it is an original power source for our hobby. With it making a comeback, will it threaten AEG's supremacy? Destockage Games talks about HPA in this video... "Are you looking for a regular and silent system? It's time for you to become an airsoft pro and switch to HPA!"

How To Maintain Your AEG Like A Pro


Another helpful video from Destockage Games especially made for beginners, showing how to maintain an AEG... "Do you want to optimize the performance of your AEG airsoft replica? In this tutorial find out how to maintain it regularly and prevent breakage."

Airsoft M4s As The Best Airsoft Replicas


Destockage Games talk about ARs in this video and explain why M4 airsoft replicas are the best... "Find out everything you need to know about the M4 in airsoft, AR-15, Colt M4A1 or M16, what are the differences and how to choose the best AEG, Gaz replica."

M4 AEG Upgrade Tutorial


Is it your first time to do your own upgrades on an M4 AEG? If you need some tips or reference video, here is a step-by-step video made by Destockage Games (French language)... "Discover, step by step, how to easily repair and upgrade your M4 AEG airsoft replica and improve its performance."

Destockage Games: WE Airsoft Luger P08 GBB Pistol


Another quick presentation by Destockage Games and it is the WE Airsoft Luger P08 GBB Pistol that they have available at their store... "Let yourself be tempted by a toggle breech replica! The Luger P08 medium is a 6-inch full metal gas blowback (GBB) manufactured by WE. Inspired by the Luger Parabellum, used during the First and Second World Wars, it will satisfy the biggest history fan."

Are Airsoft Grenades Safe To Use?


Airsoft Grenades are nice to use and they can in different forms, types and sizes. They are limited to how they can used on what type of game sites since there are some risks, especially with pyro types. Destockage Games talk about airsoft grenades further on in this video... "What are airsoft grenades? Are they dangerous? How to choose them? Impact, Flash, Frag, Gas or Co2, everything is in our video."

Cybergun FN Five-Seven 5-7 GBB Pistol At Destockage Games


Next up for Destockage Games to present from their supply of airsoft guns is the licensed Cybergun FN Five-Seven 5-7 Gas Blowback Pistol... "Here is the FIVE-SEVEN licensed by FN HERSTAL, an airsoft replica designed by @Cybergun_Group. This GBB (gas blowback) ball, with a 'futuristic' design, is made of polymer. It features official markings, a light grip and a wide trigger guard.

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