Cybergun FN Five-Seven 5-7 GBB Pistol At Destockage Games


Next up for Destockage Games to present from their supply of airsoft guns is the licensed Cybergun FN Five-Seven 5-7 Gas Blowback Pistol... "Here is the FIVE-SEVEN licensed by FN HERSTAL, an airsoft replica designed by @Cybergun_Group. This GBB (gas blowback) ball, with a 'futuristic' design, is made of polymer. It features official markings, a light grip and a wide trigger guard.

Vorsk Hi-Capa 5.3 GBB Pistol At Destockage Games


Quick presentation by Destockage Games of the  Vorsk Hi-Capa 5.3 GBB Pistol they have available at their store. The VORSK Hi-Capas, known for their iconic rail-cut outs, grooved top rail, and reduced slide weight, have been enhanced with a split slide design. This design lightens the moving slide, boosting trigger response.

How To Choose The Best Airsoft Machine Gun


Another tip from Destockage Games to help airsoft players choose a machine gun for their game. These days there are more options and are on the expensive side, but some are getting budget friendly... "What is an airsoft machine gun? What is the difference between automatic machine guns, LMGs and HMGs? All your answers are in our video."

How To Make An Airsoft Replica More Powerful?


Destockage Games' Airsoft Academy episode shows how to improve the power of your airsoft gun. Just make sure that doing such you are still meeting your country's rules and not breaking the law... "Discover in 20min everything you need to know about the power of an airsoft replica: the difference between power and performance, improving your replica, upgrade, regulations."

AEP Repair & Upgrade Tutorial


One of the rare videos that focuses of AEPs. Destockage Games got this tutorial video on how to repair and upgrade AEPs... "Find out how to easily repair and upgrade your airsoft AEP replica: disassemble your replica, repair the contactor, upgrade the barrel and the hop-up, install a mosfet, shooting tests, tips & tricks..."

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