Tectonic Innovations Atom Vs AirTac TSG Mini Thunder Snaps


Pheas Airsoft compares two products from Tectonic Innovations and AirTac that allows to use the Thunder Snaps for airsoft... "In this video we compare (what we think are) the two leading products for thunder snaps use in the airsoft world. We have Tectonic innovations ATOM and we have the AIRTAC TSG Mini."

Tectonic Innovations Quake Impact Grenade Presentation


Official presentation of Tectonic Innovations on their Quake 8-Way Impact Grenade featuring Femme Fatale Airsoft... "At Tectonic Innovations, our mission objective is to provide the highest quality re-usable pyrotechnics to the airsoft industry. Our Blank Firing Grenades are expertly manufactured in the UK by Master Craftsmen, only using the toughest materials and undergoing meticulous quality control from start to finish.

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