Storm Riders celebrate their Community Day during the 187th episode of their "Call Your Hits" podcast series... "In this episode of Call Your Hits, Phil and Pat celebrate Community Day 2024, reflecting on the history of the Storm Riders Discord, sharing Pat's experiences with LMGs in airsoft games, discussing upcoming events, and exploring the potential partnership with the Canadian Armed Forces for future airsoft events.
Storm Riders talk about integrating large numbers of airsoft players in "Call Your Hits" podcast Episode 179... "Phil and Chris, from Nomad Airsoft team, discuss the coordination and integration of a large group of players, following their time at AMS Ironhorse VI. Chris talks about the similarities and differences between milsim and regular airsoft games, and the challenges and successes they encountered during the event.
Two special guests to share their playing experiences in episode 178 of the "Call Your Hits" series of the Storm Riders... "Carter and June, airsofters from Illinois, share their experiences at AMS Ironhorse and discuss how they prepared for a big milsim event in a small airsoft community. They talk about the size of their community, the types of games they play, and the challenges they face, as well as the excitement of playing with a larger group of experienced players.
It's a return to airsoft normalcy in episode 177 of the "Call Your Hits" podcast series of the Storm Riders... "In this episode, Phil and Pat discuss the experience of coming back to your local airsoft field after attending a big event like Ironhorse. They talk about the different sizes of airsoft communities and the variety of gameplay experiences. They also explore the challenges of transitioning back to local games and the potential changes they want to make to their own field.
Bo Stewart of American Milsim guests in Call Your Hits episode 173 of the Storm Riders... "Bo Stewart, co-owner of American Milsim, discusses the growth and success of their Airsoft Milsim events. They have organized nearly 80 events over the past 13-14 years, attracting a wide range of players from beginners to experienced airsofters.
Some tips of being inspired when playing airsoft in episode 172 of the "Call Your Hits" podcast series of the Storm Riders... "In this episode, Phil and Pat discuss their recent Airsoft game and the challenges they faced. They talk about the importance of shaking off frustrations and staying focused on the game. They also discuss their recent airsoft games and reflect on the importance of communication, strategy, and addressing issues within the airsoft community.
More airsoft stuff discussed by the Storm Riders as their "Call Your Hits" podcast series hits episode 170 (no pun intended)... "In this episode, Phil and Pat discuss their recent Airsoft games and the different challenges they faced. They talk about the different seasons for Airsoft and how weather conditions can affect gameplay. The games they played include team deathmatch, rush game, bomb objective game, and D-Day game.
Check how submitted airsoft guns are ranked by the Storm Riders in episode 168 of their "Call Your Hits" podcast series... "In this episode, Phil and Pat rank airsoft replicas submitted by the community members. They discuss the features, aesthetics, and functionality of each replica and provide their rankings on a tier list. In this part of the conversation, the hosts review several airsoft guns and discuss their features and aesthetics.
The Storm Riders talk about the Americal Milsim Atlantic Front event in episode 167 of their Call Your Hits podcast series... "In this episode, Chris from Nomad Airsoft talks about his experience at the American Milsim event, Atlantic Front. He discusses the lead-up to the event, Nomad's role as squad leaders, and the challenges they faced during the gameplay.
Episode 166 of the "Call Your Hits" podcast series of the Storm Riders covers the need for a sidearm in airsoft... "In this episode, Phil and Pat discuss the role of sidearms in airsoft. They reflect on how their views on sidearms have changed over the years and the situations in which they find them useful. They also talk about the practicality of sidearms, the importance of having a reliable sidearm setup, and the cool factor of gas blowback pistols.