"The Bag That Changed Everything"


With Evike Matt in Japan for the Krytac Owners' Meeting Volume 5 hosted by Laylax, Ryan of Laylax International got the opportunity to talk about the Container Gun Case which they released in late 2020...

Laylax Container Gun Case At Airsoft GI


Cisco talks about the sought after Laylax Container Gun Case that is now in stock at Airsoft GI... "We all love our airsoft guns, tactical gear, and all of the cool accessories! Do we ever think about how we plan on storing and transporting all of our airsoft gear to and from the field? Instead of getting gun bag after gun bag, and container after container. Make the smarter choice and get the bag that will carry everything for you!

Laylax Satellite Versatile Container Gun Case


We like what we see in this new product that is released under the Satellite brand of Laylax, the Satellite Container Gun Case is a versatile bag that allows you to reconfigure it, transforming the bag for whatever your activity you're going to, on or off the airsoft field. Ryan tells more about this... "Hello again airsoft nation, LayLax just released a new gun/gear case that will change how your travel with your gear to the field and beyond.

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