Destockage Games' Airsoft Academy episode shows how to improve the power of your airsoft gun. Just make sure that doing such you are still meeting your country's rules and not breaking the law... "Discover in 20min everything you need to know about the power of an airsoft replica: the difference between power and performance, improving your replica, upgrade, regulations."
The Destockage Games's Airsoft Academy talks about AEPs if they are good for the airsoft business. If you prefer batteries than gas for your sidearm, than AEP is the way to go... " Discover in 15 min everything you need to know about AEP replicas in airsoft: how it works, available replicas, the advantages of AEP, upgrade your replica..."
In this episode of Destockage Games' Airsoft Academy, they give tips on how you can hold your own airsoft game. This should give you the initial know-how if you're looking into becoming an airsoft events organiser... "Discover in 10min how to organize an airsoft game: choice of terrain, Sunday, OP, game scenarios, creation of items... Become an expert in game organization!"
Destockage Games got their Airsoft Academy and for this quick lesson, it's all about the Gearbox. Viewers can learn about how it works and the different types used in various airsoft guns... "Discover in 7min what a Gearbox is in airsoft: mode of operation, different versions of Gearbox, energies used."