5.11 Food Preparedness With Clint Emerson


Getting ready is also about food preparedness and former Navy SEAL Clint Emerson gives insight and tips in this video series from 5.11 Tactical... "When planning for survival, non-perishable foods are your bread and butter. Stockpile canned, preserved, or dried foods or better yet, MREs (Meals Ready to Eat) enough for at LEAST 3-4, but ideally longer. Former Navy SEAL bestselling author, Clint Emerson explains the importance of having something to eat for when food becomes scarce."

5.11 Tactical: Water Preparedness With Clint Emerson


Former Navy SEAL Clint Emerson talks about water preparedness for survival in this 5.11 Tactical video... "Second only to oxygen, water is the most important resource for human survival ? If the tap stops running, you better have enough water on-hand or the means of finding and purifying it for you and your loved ones. Retired Navy SEAL and bestselling author, Clint Emerson explains the importance of water in any preparedness scenario."

5.11 Tactical: Light & Heat Preparedness with Clint Emerson


Another episode from 5.11 in this series of preparedness for survival by former SEAL Clint Emerson. This episode is about light and heat preparedness... "A grid-down scenario can leave you in the cold and dark. Retired Navy SEAL and bestselling author, Clint Emerson, sheds some light on how you can stay warm and keep the lights on in the event of an emergency."

5.11: Bugging Out With Clint Emerson


In this episode of preparedness with Clint Emerson for 5.11 Tactical, it is about what you put in your bugout bag... "If things go from bad to worse, a bugout bag is your new best friend, but what are the must-have items that belong in yours? We asked former Navy SEAL and bestselling author, Clint Emerson that very question."

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