Military1st: BioLite KettlePot In Stock


With the airsoft season now on and more and more airsoft weekenders happening, you will be in need of outdoor/camping stuff such as a kettle you can boil water or cook food with. The BioLite KettlePot is recommended by and they have in stock. We suggest you get it together with the BioLite CampStove if it is available as well...

BioLite SolarPanel 5 Series Now Available


The sun is finally out! That means longer time in the airsoft field and more weekend milsim events to go to. Since you'll be out in the field you will need an energy source to charge your various devices and the BioLite SolarPanel 5 Series might just be what you want to bring with you to your camp... "Get the most from the sun with the BioLite SolarPanel 5 Series.

BioLite CampStove At


When we were checking the new submission from, we saw this campstove that got out attention due to its ability to provide a charge to your mobile devices whilst cooking at the same time. What's best is that it does not require any fuel cannister to start a fire, just use what is available at your camp site...

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